Vlinder is now a member of GSIC powered by Microsoft.

Vlinder is glad to announce that it is now a member of Global Sports Innovation Center - powered y Microsoft. The GSIC is a non-profit association that brings together sports entities (clubs, federations, associations), institutions, technology companies (from startups to companies), research organizations, investors and key figures from the sports industry to improve its value chain.
Vlinder is looking forward to working with the GSIC ecosystem partners to continue its journey with NFT based sports engagment.
Vlinder's piloting its Vantr NFT platform with many partners. Reach out to us for more information at info@vlinder.io
Stay tuned for more news!
GSIC powered by Microsoft on LinkedIn: #GSICNewMembers #WelcomeGSIC #GSIC_startups
⭐ New members are joining our network every week! We are proud to announce that vlinder.io is now part of our great ecosystem, adding one more partner...